Introduction to programming using python

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This book uses Python 3 as an example language, so if you want to learn Python 2, don’t buy it. But having said that, who wants to learn 2 now? Know the title of the book, the focus of this book is not on Python, but on Python as an example to explain basic programming-related concepts, processes and techniques, etc. You can know by reading the title of the book, this book is just an entry-level programming textbook, the concept is widely introduced, but rarely too in-depth things The in-depth stuff is in Bonus chapters, which are not in these chapter books

The positioning of this book determines that it is impossible to cover all aspects of Python grammar, especially OO-related grammars and slightly advanced grammars such as context manager, generator, etc. But its job is well done, and it is introduced step by step. Procedural, OOP, GUI, basic algorithms, problem-solving ideas and various programming concepts. The content is perfectly arranged, a large number of after-school exercises, and the timing of the concept introduction is also just right. I think it is a very good textbook as an introduction to programming